

The Backyard Church Newsletter - May 2023

Published about 1 year ago • 4 min read

THey Reader

Thanks for being a subscriber to my newsletter! First up, I have some exciting news. My new book has landed and is now available on Amazon! It's taken me almost five years to write, and I'm really hoping that it makes a difference to lots of people, especially those who are wondering if it is possible to have a robust and meaningful faith beyond the constraints of performance-based, institutionalized religion. I'd love your support in getting it out there because I believe in the message of the book with all my heart!

You can pick up a copy using this link. If you're outside of the USA, check your local Amazon site (or else you can pay waaay too much for postage). It's available as an eBook or in paperback if you are still the kind of person who likes to hold a book in your hand like I do.

Thanks for your support! Now, to this month's highlights from my blogging adventures. Top of the agenda is an article I wrote about Hillsong Church and the incredible findings from leaked bank documents showing a troubling pattern of exorbitant spending and self-enrichment that would make Kardashian blush. You can also read about the Pastor who pretended to have cancer and how he is making a comeback; the viral video of Donald Trump counting his cash for the offering plate; and The 22 Modern Day Idols We Worship (which one is your personal "favourite?")

Whoever you are, wherever you are, I hope you are entertained, challenged and inspired. Happy reading!


HILLSONG UNDER FIRE FOR FINANCIAL MISCONDUCT: Things are going from bad to worse for Hillsong and its former leaders, Brian and Bobbie Houston. In March 2023, a giant cache of documents from a concerned former employee was made public, and with it, all kinds of financial impropriety.

WHAT DONALD TRUMP PUTS IN THE OFFERING: What would you expect a man with a net worth of $2.5 billion dollars to put in the church offering plate? In a video that has been doing the rounds over the past few days on Twitter, the one and only Donald Trump is filmed while the offerings are being collected.

BEYOND STATUES: THE 22 MODERN-DAY IDOLS WE WORSHIP: Idolatry is not just about bowing down to a golden statue in an ancient temple. Modern-day idolatry looks different. It's about becoming devoted to people, practices, or things to satisfy our inner need for meaning, value, and purpose.

THE RISE OF THE VIRAL HATE PREACHER: The internet has allowed hate preachers from small churches to reach millions of people with their dangerous rhetoric, using platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok. Thanks to the ease of access and reach offered by social media, previously unheard-of hate preachers are building their online congregations in the millions.

THE INCREDIBLE STORY OF THE PASTOR WHO PRETENDED TO HAVE CANCER: Mike Gugliemucci, a former pastor of Planetshakers Church, became known for his inspiring faith-filled preaching after claiming he had terminal cancer. However, it was later revealed that he had made it all up. Now he's making a comeback.

For full access to all my articles (and lots of other thought-provoking content), sign up to Medium today

The Backyard Church is not just a blog or a newsletter. It’s a vibrant, real online community for people who have faith but can’t, don’t, or won’t go to church. Join today.

Maybe you've lost faith in the system. Maybe you've been hurt by the church or other Christians. Maybe you find the church is not an emotionally safe place to ask your questions or share your doubts. Maybe you've even arrived at a place where you want to grow in your faith, but the church is taking you around in circles. Here's what you'll find at Backyard Church Online

  • A safe place for your faith to fall apart without being judged for it.
  • People who will walk with you while to try to piece it all back together as well
  • A safe place to ask your big questions, share your doubts, talk about your pain, and unpack your religious trauma
  • Access to thought-provoking and challenging content that will help you move forward
  • Connection with like-minded people from all over the world who are on a similar journey
  • Online forums and discussions about matters of faith

Whoever you are, you belong. I pray that Backyard Church Online brings you life, faith, and hope.


Memories meander like driftwood
In a stream of steady chatter
Bubbling up from the deep
The broken pieces of a shipwrecked life
Passing us by, one by one
Images of better times
Cast upon the rocks
By a merciless sea
And lost to us for good.

by Dan Foster

If you've got an idea for an article that you think I should write, then get in touch with me! Yes, I'm happy to have a go at answering any of your questions because hey... faith deconstruction can be a lonely road. Let's walk it together! Email

Stay tuned for more thought-provoking articles coming your way next month. This newsletter was free, but not cheap. Show your support by joining Backyard Church Online, make a donation, buy a book, forward this to someone you think might be interested!

Until next time,

God bless!


I am passionate about helping other bloggers, click here to find out about one-on-one coaching.

Also, if you'd like to know more about how you can contribute to the Backyard Church Blog on Medium, please get in touch.


Writer / Poet / Blogger

I write about the complex intersection between life, faith, culture, religion, politics, and spirituality. Here for community and conversation. ABOUT ME: Once upon a time, Dan Foster was a prolific poet and writer. Then he grew up, got a job, had a family, and got busy spending many years as an educator, pastor, school teacher, and youth worker, writing took a back seat while he set about striving to attain a utopian existence that belies the reality of life. Fortunately, Life knew this and thrust him into the classroom of misfortune and pain, where he experienced burnout and mental health challenges. Here, he learned a whole lot of valuable lessons. Life then compelled him to pick up his pen again and give voice to the reality of broken dreams, sadness, grief, loss, and depression so that others might find comfort, hope, and solidarity in the shared human experience of suffering. Dan writes especially for Church alumni and religious refugees, and those who have experienced the reality of spiritual abuse, disappointment with the church, and doubts about their faith. Dan has Bachelor's Degrees in both Education and Theology and a Diploma in Business. He is the CEO of the Centre for Men & Families, Australia, a charity that supports men and their families through times of crisis and change. Dan is also the facilitator of The Backyard Church Online, a community for people who have faith but struggle to be a part of traditional churches, and he is the author of "Leaving Church, Finding God: Discovering Faith Beyond Organized Religion" and "Limbo Land: Poems from the In-Between."

Read more from DAN FOSTER

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